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Names of Powers

Ni nama-nama Power buat yang suka sama solomonic magick, nama-nama ini dipake buat keperluan si praktisi, mulai dari konjurasi, invokasi, evokasi, ngelancarin spell, dll dah.

Abac, Achides, Achilla, Adam, Adonai (ADNY), Agios, Agia, Agnon, Aldal, Alpha, Asmoedeas, Aumgn, Beroth, Buseeognation, Cados, Craton, Delgaliel, Derisor, Destatur, Diaton, Ehyeh, El, El Oristan, Eloa, Elohim, Emmanuel, Gabriel, Gomeh, Guthae, Guthor, Hain, Havayoth, Helim, Hilay, Hudac, lat, Ischyros, Isis, Jehovah, Laaval, Ledieha, Lendiction, Lon, Mach, Maton, Melekh, Messias, Metatron, Michael, Milia, Monachiel, Muriton, Noth, Ob, Omega, Panthon, Pentessaron, Radisha, Raphael, Ruach, Sabaoth, Sadai, Sechiel, Shaddai, Sibylla, Sifton, Sorthie, Sorthios, Sorthis, Tegra, Tetragrammaton, Tistator, Uriel, Venibbeth, Yah and Yod He Vau He

How to use it  :
Itu nama-nama intinya dipake sebagai sumber daya energy. buat boosting power kamu.

Contoh, "I command thee o wind spirits to do my will by the name of (..Sebutin nama-namanya disini..), i now invoke thee by the power of True God and by the will of Mother nature. Amen"
